Monday, December 18, 2006


It was a Tuesday evening, 12th of December, when a girl was doing something, when she heard a constant "meow-ing" from somewhere behind her house, which was near the living room where she was at.

Being someone who was always sensitive to kitten's meow-ings, she quickly got up, stopped what she was doing, and looked outside.

It was dark, nothing could be seen but she could still hear the meows. A kitten in distress? One of my cat's babies?

She ran upstairs to get the torch light, and from upstairs, she shine the torchlight down to the garden, and saw a kitten, alone, sitting on the fence.

She quickly ran downstairs, wore the plastic slippers outside, and walked all the way on the ragged road to rescue the kitten, despite the discomfort due to the soft, plastic shoe walking on stones and rocks.

It was clear the kitten was alone, and really frightened when the girl found her.

She gently beckoned the kitten to come to her, which the kitten did, and she quickly carried the kitten up and held it close to her, so the kitten would feel more comfortable, despite her wearing a new shirt, and brought the kitten back to the living room.

The kitten was given some food, but she did not take any, so she was given some milk, which, out of hungriness, she took some later.

The kitten was clearly still afraid and traumatized by the experience, that she was quite fearful of everything, even the girl.

And when the girl sees the kitten sitting alone there, she could feel her heart break because the kitten seemed so scare and lonely. You could feel she was longing for her mother.

There was nothing much the girl could do, but to accompany the kitten as much as she could.

She did not know where the kitten was from, she did not know how the kitten was living before she found her.

She just know that now, the kitten is sitting on her lap, sleeping, as she writes this.

The girl is me. The kitten is my HeeChul.

She's mine, or rather, i belong to her, as cats are known to feel that way o(=v=")o...

I don't know whether she adores me or not, but most of all, i know i love her =)!

More to come soon =)! Ehe!~


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